Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Over the last three years we have traveled all over Georgia, producing 51 short films called "Field Trip!" on a wide range of farm subjects specific to organic farming in Georgia, with each episode focusing on a particular farm how-to, trick, tip, or hack.

We filmed on many beautiful farms and met a diverse cross section of incredible farmers who opened their doors and gave their valuable time to us. We also heard many stories, trudged through muddy fields, faced a herd of cows, technical problems, bees, weather, and had some great times and ate many fine meals with this outstanding group.

After 51 episodes, we look back and wish to thank all the farmers who stepped in front of our cameras and shared their knowledge. Without you this project would not be what it is.

Thanks to Jonathan Tescher and Alice Rolls at Georgia Organics for bringing us on this project and also to Donn Cooper for letting us take it to the limit.
Thanks to the United States Department of Agriculture and National Institute of Food and Agriculture for the generous grant that made this production possible.
Special kudos to Yoram Benz for the opening animation sequence.

Cheers all,

Watch all 51 episodes of FIELD TRIP!

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